Business Clarity
Looking to the future, seeing where we could go and what we could do, having BlueOcean to help guide us, that is fantastic
Once you reach a certain size, improving the experience means so much more than just putting in another attraction. Staff that have been with us for a long time were looking for direction and purpose. These are people we care about that we want to keep in the business. At the same time we were operating under a nationwide umbrella brand but the growth we could experience under them wasn’t in line with what we could achieve on our own.
We already had an ongoing and strong relationship with BlueOcean, they already knew us, our team and our industry. It was a natural progression for them to create our strategy, a new brand and provide ongoing business clarity. They not only created our strategy, but they helped us implement it, translate our purpose into efficient measures of success.
Gaining business clarity and developing a brand that truly represented who we are and what we stand for was hugely important to all of us and to our success.
Structure & Processes
I’m learning to let go, to let people do what they need to do
All this work around re-structuring and team empowerment has been heavily supported by ensuring our structure and processes can support our purpose and our goals.
Having a new structure has set us up really well to ensure everyone knows their role, even when it’s not all working perfectly all of the time. This is where BlueOcean comes in and holds us accountable. It has given us direction on where we can grow our business. Additionally, it has given our staff an overview and clear path of where they can go, and what they can achieve careerwise, within the business.
The digital systems implemented by BlueOcean have supported us and our team to keep on top of cross-departmental communication, HOD meetings, KPI tracking and better customer service.
Team Empowerment
For us it means the department managers have the power to concentrate on their jobs which, in turn, means we can concentrate on our jobs
Faster growth has also meant new staff, bigger teams and more kiwi lives depending on us. As our team grew it became paramount to allow our staff to manage their own interactions with each other and our guests. It means management only needs to step in to support and advise when necessary.
Restructuring can be such a worrying word. But for us it has done nothing but make our lives, and the lives of all our employees, better and easier. Putting in place a proper organisational structure that was in line with our existing staff’s key skills and strength, and the needs of our business, has enabled us to step back and focus on thingsother than the daily running of the business.
We have people in all key areas that are standing up and taking control and that’s what we wanted. Now we walk out the door and we just know that those people have our backs, and we don’t have to worry.
Sales Performance
Better performance means better lives for our employees
Having one purpose that we all focus on, live and breathe, means we are all pulling on the same string. It enables us to make decisions on the spot, knowing that so long as it supports our purpose, it is the right one. Enabling everyday kiwis to make family memories means we all know which numbers mean success. With a customer satisfaction score of over 90% on a consistent basis, we know we are offering the right product and great value for money.
The work done by BlueOcean has enabled us to consistently offer our staff more attractive hours, more consistent schedules and higher wages. It means a better lifestyle for their families but also better resources and everything they need to succeed in their jobs. The staff love what we are able to do and how we are doing it. It allows us to consistently re-invest in our business.
The Team
We want to be the best in New Zealand and we want BlueOcean to be a part of that
We love working with BlueOcean and hope to continue our relationship with them for many years. They are simply the best thing that has ever happened to us.
Trish and Lloyd, Founders and Co-Director.